

[  作者:   人气:  创建时间:2016/12/20  ]



研究方向:机器学习 ,计算机网络,大数据研究


1       The Generalization Ability of Online SVM Classification Based on Markov Sampling. 第一作者. IEEE Transactions ON Neural Networks AND Learning Systems, 20153.  SCI一区 IF=4.37

2       The Generalization Ability of SVM Classification based on Markov Sampling      . 第一作者. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (原IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part B), 20156.  SCI一区 IF=3.236

3       Generalization Performance of Gaussian Kernels SVMC based on Markov Sampling. 第一作者. Neural Networks, 20145.  SCI 二区 IF=2.516

4       A Structured P2P Network Based on the Small World Phenomenon. 第一作者.      Journal of Supercomputing, 20096.     SCI四区 IF=0.841

5       Optimal Rate for Support Vector Machine Regression with Markov Chain Samples. 第一作者. International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing,     201411.    SCI四区 IF=0.694

6       基于相对细化量的粗糙集属性约简算法. 第一作者. 计算机科学,20156.        二类重要核心期刊

7       New Bernstein's Inequalities for Dependent Observations and Applications to Learning Theory. 通讯作者. 应用概率统计,201412.          二类重要核心期刊

8       Learning Performance of Kernel SVMC with Markov Chain Samples. 第一作者. Proceedings of Ninth International Conference on Natural Computation, 2013-07.  EI索引

9       The Generalization Performance of Learning Algorithms Derived Simultaneously through Algorithmic Stability and Space Complexity. 第一作者.      Proceedings of Sixth International Symposium on Neural Networks, 2011-07.  EI索引

10    Generalization Performance of ERM Algorithm with Geometrically Ergodic Markov Chain Samples.第一作者. Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Natural Computation  , 2009-08.  EI索引

11    Learning Performance of Tikhonov Regularization Algorithm with Strongly Mixing Samples.第一作者.Proceedings of Sixth International Symposium on Neural Networks,2009-05. EI索引

12    Learning Performance of DAGSVM Algorithm Based on Markov Sampling.第一作者. Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing2015-07          

13    Learning Performance of Gaussian Kernel Online SVMC Based on Markov Sampling. 第一作者.    Proceedings of Eleventh International Conference on Natural Computation, 2015-08   


1  2015-012017-12 大数据环境下基于选择性抽样的在线学习理论与算法研究

   国家自然科学基金委  主持人

2  2015-012016-12 大数据环境下机器学习理论和算法研究

   湖北省自然科学基金省部级  主持人

3  2012-012014-12 对等网络拓扑结构及高维搜索策略的研究

   湖北省自然科学基金省部级  主持人

4  2014-012017-12 基于马氏抽样的机器学习理论及算法研究

   国家自然科学基金委  国家级  排名3


1  微调计算机专业课程构建嵌入式专业课程体系  第一作者  计算机教育  2015-08

利用五立模式合理规划高校生涯   第一作者   文教资料  2015-01  

3  2010-11 湖北省优秀学士学位论文指导老师(指导两名学生) 

4  2014-092016-09 校企合作模式下嵌入式系统方向创新型人才培养教学研究


新葡京博彩官网: frangipani@muslimeye.net


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